“The Hay House” Cold Weather Fawning Tip

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2015 Whitetail fawn protocol (bottle fed)

2015 Whitetail Fawn Protocol (Bottle Fed) Toll Free: 844-478-2870   *Please consult your Veterinarian prior to implementing any Health Management Program. We highly recommend vaccinating adult animals prior to birthing for proper passive transfer of antibodies...

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2015 Whitetail fawn protocol (mother raised)

2015 Whitetail Fawn Protocol (Mother Raised) Toll Free: 844-478-2870   *Please consult your Veterinarian prior to implementing any Health Management Program.   We highly recommend vaccinating adult animals prior to birthing for proper passive transfer of...

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Pneumonia in Fawns

After dealing with fawn mortalities due to pneumonia for the last 3 years and 2013 being really a bad year with several case of mycoplasma I decided to try the Pneu-Vac as our primary vaccine in our program for my does and fawns for 2014. To date we have not had a...

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Herd Health

We’ve been using Pneu-Vac, from Cervid Solutoins LLC, for a year now.   We’ve been very happy with the health of our herd, as well as the health of our fawns.  While mortality is never 100% eliminated, we feel that Pneu-Vac is helping to elevate our whitetail herds’...

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E-coli in Mule Deer Fawns

I had a problem with E-coli in my mule deer fawns for four years.  We used the vaccine in the mule deer does in 2012 and then the two shots in the fawns in 2013.  The 2013 crop of fawns had no issues with E-coli and we raised every fawn that was born in 2013. We then...

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PV3 Vaccine

Pneumonia | Lumpy Jaw | Foot Rot Industry
leading multivalent Myco-plasma coverage

EVI Vaccine

EV-1 is our five isolate vaccine developed to manage
digestive tract issues caused by E-coli and Clostridia Type A